Liquid Preparations
- Placenta Tincture: A portion of placenta (and possibly membranes or cord) is placed in alcohol. This is allowed to sit for at least 6 weeks.
- Placenta Homeopathic: A portion of placenta is placed in alcohol for about 3 days. One drop of this mixture is added to 99 drops of alcohol and shaken (succussed) 100 times which creates a 1C homeopathic remedy. Further dilutions can be made for the remedy if desired.
- Placenta Essence: A portion of placenta (and possibly membranes or cord) are soaked in distilled water for several hours. The placenta is strained off and then an equal amount of alcohol is added to the placenta water (to make a 50/50 mixture). (1)

Food Preparations
- Placenta Smoothie: These are typically prepared in the first 24 hours. You choose what smoothie recipe you want (what type of milk and which fruits) and your specialist brings the ingredients. She examines the placenta quickly, cuts away a half dollar size piece, rinses it and blends it into the fruit smoothie for you. You can’t taste the placenta in the smoothie. The rest of the placenta can either be processed into capsules or your PES can slice more “placenta cubes”, freeze them and deliver them back to you so that you can make more smoothies on your own.
- Placenta Cookies or Truffles: These are made with the placenta powder. It is added right to the recipe for the food preparation of your choice.
- Mother’s Broth: This is a byproduct of the steaming process during TCM preparation of the placenta. During steaming, the placenta loses about 35% of it’s mass into the steaming water. This makes a rich broth which can be consumed by the mother.
Body Care Preparations
- Placenta Salve: Is made using oils and placenta powder. The oil is warmed over several hours with placenta powder in it (and sometimes herbs). After steeping, the powder is strained out and the oils solidify to form a hard salve.
- Placenta Body Butter: Body butter is made in a similar way to the salve but may use slightly different ingredients. The oils are whipped to make a more fluffy consistency.
- Placenta Lotion: Lotion is typically made with placenta tincture in order to make sure the preparation is shelf stable.
- Placenta Prints: An imprint of the placenta is made by applying blood or ink to the fetal side of the placenta and then pressing paper against it.
- Umbilical Cord Keepsakes: The baby’s umbilical cord is arranged in a particular shape and dehydrated until it is fully dry and takes on an almost stained glass appearance.
- Jewelry: There is a variety of placenta jewelry: digital imprint images, resin encased placenta powder, placenta photography pieces.
1. “Placenta Essence – Independent Placenta Encapsulation Network.” Independent Placenta Encapsulation Network. Retrieved 09 May 2015.